I'm wondering if there are any specific apps for watch live dog racing videos on either iPhone or Android handsets? I'm mainly interested in greyhound racing in the United Kingdom and Ireland but I'd also like to watch live video or replays from the U.S and Australia.
Yes, it's now possible to watch dog racing from the UK and Ireland on your iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows Phone. IRISH RACETRACKS BARKING BUZZ - WWW.IGB.IE/APPS Barking Buzz is a free greyhound racing app developed by the Irish Greyhound Board. The app is available for iOS and Android devices and streams races live from every major racetrack in Ireland, including Shelbourne Park, Harold’s Cross, Curraheen, Limerick, Tralee, Galway, and Clonmel. The app also lets you study the form for every upcoming greyhound race and provides instant results. A location map and contact details is also available for every racecourse in the Republic of Ireland. iOS Version - https://itunes.apple.com/ie/app/barking-buzz/id664659974?mt=8 Android Version - http://www.igb.ie/apps UK RACETRACKS BET365 GREYHOUND RACING - WWW.BET365.COM Bet365 are an online and mobile bookmaker that stream live racing from 10 different racetracks in the United Kingdom: Wimbledon (London), Belle Vue (Manchester), Hall Green (Birmingham), Perry Barr (Birmingham) and many more. UPDATE: If you have an active account with Bet365 you can now watch live greyhound racing for free from any of the "Racing Post Greyhound TV" tracks, which include Newcastle, Petersborough, Henlow, Crayford, Romford, Sunderland, Monmore Green and Hove. You don't need to place a bet to watch these dog races.
For anyone interested in dog racing from Australia, I can recommend this "Greyhound Racing Victoria" YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/GRVVision While the races aren't live, they do upload races to the channel within 15mins of the finish. Every greyhound race is covered, including the heats and finals for the Melbourne Cup, Bold Trease, Hume Cup, Geelong Cup, AGRA National Distance/Sprint Champs and the Maturity Classic. I think it's a great channel if you want to keep up-to-date on dog racing from Sandown Park and The Meadows.
That YouTube channel is great for replays of greyhound races from Australia but is there any free apps for watch live Aussie dog racing?
Unfortunately, Sky Racing seem to have bought up the broadcasting rights for horse racing in Australia so I doubt you'll find any free apps. They do offer free audio commentary, however, from many of the Australia's racecourses. http://www.skyracing.com.au/index.php?component=content&id=97
What about greyhound racing in the U.S.? I know it's not as popular as it is Australia and Europe but there are quiet a few racetracks over there. Any idea if these are any live feeds I can watch on my PC or tablet computer?
Many of US dog tracks have live steams you can watch on their website. Most of them seem to be Flash videos so they probably won't work on an iPhone, HTC or Samsung Galaxy.
can i watch still irish greyhound racing even though i live in the u.k.? doesn't the app support betting?
Yes, the Barking Buzz app works anywhere in the world so you can still watch live god racing from Ireland even if you live in Australia, England or Spain. The app does offer mobile betting providing you have an account with Tote Ireland.
BetFred now also live stream UK greyhound races from Romford, Peterborough, Hove, Monmore, Sunderland, Crayford, Wimbledon and Henlow. Unfortunately, the live streams only appear to be available on PC's and laptops for now.
are these dog racing apps only available for ios or android phones? i use a microsoft lumia and would love to watch races too?
The Barking Buzz app that streams greyhound racing from Dublin, Limerick and other Irish cities is currently only available on iOS and Android. You can still watch dog racing from Britain for free using the Bet365 web-app on any phone. All you need to do is browse to www.Bet365.com using the Edge or Internet Explorer browser of your Windows Phone device.
Bet365 have now upgraded their greyhound racing software to live stream races from more racetracks in the Britain and Ireland. In addition to offering free live streams of all races broadcast via the Racing Post Greyhound TV channel, you can now also watch races from Wimbledon, Swindon, Poole, Belle Vue, Perry Barr, Newcastle, Hall Green, Sunderland, Drumbo Park, Harolds Cross (Ireland) and Shelbourne Park in Dublin. These additional live streams require a £1 wager.
do any of the racetracks stream dog races for free from their websites if you don't want to place a bet to watch a particular greyhound race?
Unfortunately most greyhound tracks now offer their live streaming as part of a subscription package. For instant if you join the Racetrack Television Network at rtn.tv you can watch live dog racing from all of these US racetracks.... Birmingham Race Course Bluffs Run Casino Daytona Beach Kennel Club Derby Lane Dubuque Greyhound Park at Mystique Flagler Greyhound Track Gulf Greyhound Park Hollywood Greyhound Track Naples-Ft. Myers Greyhound Track Orange Park Kennel Club Palm Beach Kennel Club Sanford-Orlando Kennel Club Sarasota Kennel Club Southland Greyhound Park Tri-State Greyhound Park Tucson Greyhound Park Wheeling Island Racetrack
I think Coral, who are a major UK bookmaker, allow you to bet on greyhound racing from their Apple Watch bookmaker app.